How to get sensitised the hard way

Hurricane Irma, a category 5 disaster

that destroyed our catamaran

Catamaran Catsy a 62 ft, 50 ton catamaran, was lifted, turned up side down and crushed into a house.

Our beautiful catamaran was strapped down securely on land in a hurricane hole in the BVI’s, we had no concerns. Yet when the news started ticking in, we were not that sure anymore.

The next morning we got the message: she was completely damaged.

Some Irma Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

$77.16 billion


285 km/h


134 people


The yachts were crushed and moved around like small sticks

Time for small changes

We can’t do it all, but we can make sure we do a little. For us, the most obvious and easiest place to start was to minimise the use of fossil fuel. A luxury yacht uses massive(!) amounts of it.

A new project was born

We started to do research on how we could make a greener and greater yacht . This time, we wanted to build a luxury yacht with no compromises on comfort, yet with a complete new way of designing it in order to make sure that we were more in aligned with nature. “Use it, do not abuse it.”

The idea of Tiril came to life

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